I’m Vicky, founder of Swimspirational Open Water Coaching. I learnt to swim when I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in my 20’s. A condition which left me unable to walk properly. Swimming literally changed my life, it was the reason I was able to avoid major surgery and this led me to starting my own business teaching others to swim. I have swam more miles than I could ever count and helped thousands of other women along the way. I have had the pleasure of working with swimmers of all abilities from aquaphobics to channel swimmers and I can honestly say swimming brings me so much joy. 

Favourite activity: Swimming, running and cycling. I’m currently half way through running 1,000 miles in 2023 and have just learnt to ride a bike at the age of 40 years old this month! 

Vicky’s words: “Believe in yourself because you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to” 

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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