

Hi, I am Zoe.

I’m not quite sure when my love of the outdoors quite began but I know I spent most of my childhood with the boys; riding bikes, climbing trees, fishing, and my persona then would have been described as a ‘Tom Boy’. Although through my teens and 20’s my adventurous personality took a bit of a backseat to other priorities; attending College and Uni and becoming a parent, and as I came out of my 30’s I found myself in quite a hole!! I’d lost me. I was suffering from poor mental health and I needed to regain positivity and to get back out again doing things that boosted my happiness!! And for at least the last decade now I have embraced EVERYTHING anyone has ever had to offer me!!

You get those questions sometimes on health paperwork ‘How active are you? Never – Sometimes – Always. Here’s my level of activity; I paddleboard, swim in rivers, seas and lakes (in all weathers) and surf. I walk, hike, climb, cave and cycle. I enjoy roller skating, ice skating, do yoga and play tennis and badminton when I can. I’ve tried scuba diving, boxing, archery, mud/obstacle racing, and I’ve recently taken up golf. So there you have it, I think I’m probably an ‘Always’!

This isn’t a case of a ‘lady of leisure’ that needs to fill her time. I’m a parent to a 7 year old plus 2 older children, and a nan to twin toddlers, I am a full-time primary school teacher and I have my own business where I run a paddleboarding school and social group!! This is a case of someone who just loves being active, whatever it is.

My favourite activity to get moving: I love being outdoors with nature; by the water, in the woods, on the beach. I love water, sand, mud (I still love climbing trees!! Ha!!) and I’ll be out whether it be sunny, rainy, windy or snowing. I don’t leave a minute spare!! I love life, and doing all these things makes me feel alive!!

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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