“New Year, New Me” – Not for Me!

Jason's Reflections

I’m going to be honest with you, I have never believed in New Year’s resolutions. I can’t think of one that I have stuck with. Interestingly, new year’s resolutions are on the increase, especially with younger people. Over two thirds of us make resolutions, but by January 10th, a third have given up.

Active Essex is in the business of behaviour change. Especially for people and communities that are not physically active who can benefit so much from just a small increase in activity. But changing behaviour is hard. Unfortunately, our brains don’t distinguish between good and bad habits! Experts tell us it takes between 30 to 60 days to break a bad habit or form a good habit. And the secret is baby steps, so that’s my approach for 2024.

Ironically, I want to get more active this year! I spend too much time in a car or in front of a screen. But I won’t set myself an unrealistic target of completing a marathon or cycling 100 miles in the RideLondon-Essex event. Instead, I just want to increase my average amount of steps a week. This feels realistic and achievable. My baby steps are to start going for a walk at lunchtime, have walking meetings in the office, and plan an extra long dog walk with the family at the weekend.  On top of this, I want to try some new sports or activities. I know from painful experience that golf isn’t for me, but tennis or racquetball does appeal! Who knows, I might even complete my first ever parkrun this year! All of this feels positive, but more importantly, achievable!

I feel my reflections on new year’s resolutions gives me greater empathy with the people we are trying to reach and influence through Active Essex. People are active for all sorts of reasons, and the latest research indicates that the main reason for moving more, is for our mental health, which doesn’t surprise me, the other is to spend time with friends. Our campaign ‘Find Your Active’, highlights that it’s all about being active in a way that suits you, and one that you can enjoy and stick with. So take a look, and share our Find Your Active activity finder to help inspire others, and find details of our local Find Your Active Community Connectors to help everyone on their active journey for 2024!