ATF have expanded their delivery to Laindon!

Local Delivery Pilot

The expansion was as a result of a focused discussion around violence and vulnerability at Basildon’s Implementation Group in June 2021, exploring opportunities for how physical activity could support the prevention agenda. ATF’s delivery in Northlands Park, had already shown how having engaging activities for children and young people and their families could support residents to feel safer and able to enjoy their local park.

There have been a number of reported incidents within the Somercoates area this year which has raised concerns across many of our LDP partners however, with the support to system partnership working and funding from both Find Your Active and through working with Basildon’s Economic Development Team to source Welcome Back Funding, ATF have created a comprehensive programme on the estate, offering activities including boxing, dancing, football, rugby and dodgeball. The initial sessions have received a positive response with 40 children and young people attending the first session. Three community members have been employed to support the area and to help link families in with support services such as Citizens Advice and other communities’ groups. ATF are hopeful the programme will continue to grow and replicate the success of Northlands Park.